If there be gods we cannot help them, but we can assist our fellow men. We cannot love the inconceivable, but we can love wife and child and friend.
Robert Green IngersollI do not believe in loving enemies; I have pretty hard work to love my friends.
Robert Green IngersollPrayer is of no avail. The lightning falls on the just and the unjust in accordance with natural laws.
Robert Green IngersollIn the search for truth - that everything in nature seems to hide - man needs the assistance of all his faculties. All the senses should be awake.
Robert Green IngersollHappiness is not a reward - it is a consequence. Suffering is not a punishment - it is a result.
Robert Green IngersollAll of the Ten Commandments that are good were old; all that were new art foolish. If Jehovah had been civilized he would have left out the commandment about keeping the Sabbath, and in its place would have said: "Thou shalt not enslave thy fellow-men." He would have omitted the one about swearing, and said: "The man shall have but one wife, and the woman but one husband." He would have left out the one about graven images, and in its stead would have said: "Thou shalt not wage wars of extermination, and thou shalt not unsheathe the sword except in self-defence.
Robert Green Ingersoll