In all ages the people have honored those who dishonored them. They have worshiped their destroyers; they have canonized the most gigantic liars, and buried the great thieves in marble and gold. Under the loftiest monuments sleeps the dust of murder.
Robert Green IngersollThe ministers, who preached at these revivals, were in earnest. They were zealous and sincere. They were not philosophers. To them science was the name of a vague dread - a dangerous enemy. They did not know much, but they believed a great deal.
Robert Green IngersollIn a world of cruelty, sympathy is a crime, and in a world of lies, truth is blasphemy.
Robert Green IngersollBut honest men do not pretend to know; they are candid and sincere; they love the truth; they admit their ignorance, and they say, We do not know.
Robert Green Ingersoll