It is a blessed thing that in every age some one has had individuality enough and courage enough to stand by his own convictions, -- some one who had the grandeur to say his say. I believe it was Magellan who said, The church says the earth is flat; but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a shadow than in the church. On the prow of his ship were disobedience, defiance, scorn, and success.
Robert Green IngersollAs long as woman regards the Bible as the charter of her rights, she will be the slave of man. The bible was not written by a woman. Within its leaves there is nothing but humiliation and shame for her.
Robert Green IngersollAll religions are inconsistent with mental freedom. Shakespeare is my bible, Burns my hymn-book.
Robert Green IngersollIt is impossible for me to conceive of a character more utterly detestable than that of the Hebrew god.
Robert Green IngersollThe falling leaf that tells of autumn's death is, in a subtler sense, a prophecy of spring.
Robert Green IngersollEvery human being should be taught that his first duty is to take care of himself, and that to be self-respecting he must be self-supporting. To live on the labor of others, either by force which enslaves, or by cunning which robs, or by borrowing or begging, is wholly dishonorable. Every man should be taught some useful art.
Robert Green Ingersoll