Her lips are roses over-washed with dew, Or like the purple of Narcissus' flower; No frost their fair, no wind doth waste their power, But by her breath her beauties to renew.
Robert GreeneOnly your hearts be frolic, for the time Craves that we taste of naught but jouissance.
Robert GreeneThere's a real tension between it being a collaborative art process, which is almost like performance art of yourself, and, as we talk about the movie, it's kind of a mix between melodrama and cinรฉma vรฉritรฉ. This involves ideas about playing the role of yourself and the movie of your life and all these other things.
Robert GreeneI think what happened with Brandy [Burre]is what happens with a lot of people. You make these decisions for comfort and stability, and then eventually those same things that are comforting and stable end up putting walls around you that you didn't expect.
Robert Greene