And in doing this I advise you to send to the best manors of your lands those of your household in whom you place most confidence to be present in August at the leading of the corn, and to guard it as aforesaid.
Robert GrossetesteIt is not possible for form to do without matter because it is not separable, nor can matter itself be purged of form.
Robert GrossetesteAlso see how many quarters of corn you will spend in a week in dispensable bread, how much in alms.
Robert GrossetesteAnd be careful of this, that each day at your meals you have two overseers over your household when you sit at meals, and of this be sure, that you shall be very much feared and reverenced.
Robert GrossetesteThis part of optics, when well understood, shows us how we may make things a very long distance off appear as if placed very close, and large near things appear very small, and how we may make small things placed at a distance appear any size we want, so that it may be possible for us to read the smallest letters at incredible distances, or to count sand, or seed, or any sort or minute objects.
Robert Grosseteste