It is harder to see than it is to express. The whole value of art rests in the artist's ability to see well into what is before him.
Robert HenriFinished persons are very common - people who are closed up, quite satisfied that there is little more to learn
Robert HenriArt appreciation, like love, cannot be done by proxy: It is a very personal affair and is necessary to each individual.
Robert HenriMany things that come into the world are not looked into. The individual says 'My crowd doesn't run that way.' I say, don't run with crowds.
Robert HenriI am always sorry for the Puritan, for he guided his life against desire and against nature. He found what he thought was comfort, for he believed the spirit's safety was in negation, but he has never given the world one minute's joy or produced one symbol of the beautiful order of nature. He sought peace in bondage and his spirit became a prisoner.
Robert Henri