Art is the giving by each man of his evidence to the world. Those who wish to give, love to give, discover the pleasure of giving. Those who give are tremendously strong.
Robert HenriRealize that a drawing is not a copy. It is a construction in very different materials. A drawing is an invention.
Robert HenriTo paint is to know how to put nothing on canvas, and have it look like something when you stand back.
Robert HenriPretend you are dancing or singing a picture. A worker or painter should enjoy his work, else the observer will not enjoy it.
Robert HenriI am always sorry for the Puritan, for he guided his life against desire and against nature. He found what he thought was comfort, for he believed the spirit's safety was in negation, but he has never given the world one minute's joy or produced one symbol of the beautiful order of nature. He sought peace in bondage and his spirit became a prisoner.
Robert Henri