Stock prices are likely to be among the prices that are relatively vulnerable to purely social movements because there is no accepted theory by which to understand the worth of stocks....investors have no model or at best a very incomplete model of behavior of prices, dividend, or earnings, of speculative assets.
Robert J. ShillerMarketers know that if people you respect - perhaps laughably including entertainers and athletes - say they like a product, you're more likely to buy.
Robert J. ShillerIt amazes me how people are often more willing to act based on little or no data than to use data that is a challenge to assemble.
Robert J. ShillerThe ability to focus attention on important things is a defining characteristic of intelligence.
Robert J. ShillerMy clinical psychologist wife of 40 years has always had a close intellectual influence on me. When I was beginning to talk openly in the economics profession about irrationality in decision-making, I received a lot of criticism. Ginny would support my views and remind me that a whole other profession - psychology - studies people's irrational sides.
Robert J. Shiller