else could Demandred explain the skill of the enemy general? Only a man with the experience of an ancient was so masterly at the dance of battlefields. At their core, many battle tactics were simple. Avoid being flanked, meet heavy force with pikes, infantry with a well-trained line, channelers with other channelers. And yet, the finesse of it...the little details...these took centuries to master. No man from this Age had lived long enough to learn the details with such care.
Robert JordanDemandred blocked Lan's attack but he breathed hoarsely. "Who are you?" Demandred whispered again. "No one of this Age has such skill. Asmodean? No, no. He couldn't have fought me like this. Lews Therin? It is you behind that face, isn't it?" "I am just a man," Lan whispered. "That is all I have ever been.
Robert JordanLet most men have a finger and they will have the whole hand before you know. Let a clan cheif have a finger and he will have the entire arm.
Robert JordanAlmost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today. -- Mat Cauthon
Robert Jordan