Some places speak distinctly. Certain dark gardens cry aloud for a murder; certain old houses demand to be haunted; certain coasts are set apart for shipwreck.
Robert Louis StevensonEveryday courage has few witnesses. But yours is no less noble because no drum beats for you and no crowds shout your name.
Robert Louis StevensonTo be honest, to be kind-to earn a little and to spend a little less, to make upon the whole a family happier for his presence, to renounce when that shall be necessary and not be embittered, to keep a few friends but these without capitulation-above all, on the same grim condition to keep friends with himself-here is a task for all that a man has of fortitude and delicacy.
Robert Louis StevensonAnyone can carry their burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone can do their work, however hard, for one day.
Robert Louis Stevenson