The Bible is an inexhaustible fountain of all truths. The existence of the Bible is the greatest blessing which humanity ever experienced. Few tremble at the Word of God, Few, in reading it, hear the voice of Jehovah, which is full of majesty.
Robert Murray M'CheyneRose early to seek God and found Him whom my soul loveth. Who would not rise early to meet such company?
Robert Murray M'CheyneWhen the voice of Christ speaks through the Word, then you will arise, and leave all, and follow Him.
Robert Murray M'CheyneSeek to be made holier every day; pray, strive, wrestle for the spirit, to make you like God. Be as much you can with God. I declare to you that I had rather be one hour with God than a thousand with the sweetest society on earth or in Heaven. All other joys are but streams; God is the fountain.
Robert Murray M'Cheyne