But phony, Hemingway was not, and poseur he was not. He did not shoot lions and leopards because he was searching for the answer to life. He shot lions and leopards because he bloody well liked to hunt and shoot, and killing was the best punctuation mark at the end of the intricate and fascinating process of hunting.
Robert RuarkA man can build a staunch reputation for honesty by admitting he was in error, especially when he gets caught at it.
Robert Ruark'The best thing about hunting and fishing,' the Old Man said, 'is that you don't have to actually do it to enjoy it. You can go to bed every night thinking about how much fun you had twenty years ago, and it all comes back clear as moonlight.'
Robert RuarkA fish, which you can't see, deep down in the water, is a kind of symbol of peace on earth, good will to yourself. Fishing gives a man ... some time to collect his thoughts and reaarange them kind of neatly, in an orderly fashion. Once the bait is on the hook and the boat is anchored, there's nothing to interfere with thinking except an occasional bite
Robert RuarkYou might as well learn that a man who catches fish or shoots game has got to make it fit to eat before he sleeps. Otherwise itโs all a waste and a sin to take it if you canโt use it.
Robert Ruark