Our existing media system today is the direct result of government laws and subsidies that created it.
Robert Waterman McChesneyAnd they've got to be held accountable; our broadcasting system has to be made accountable; and unless it is, it's going to be very hard to change anything else for the better in this country.
Robert Waterman McChesneyBut the ultimate goal is to get rid of the media capitalists in the phone and cable companies and to divest them from control.
Robert Waterman McChesneyNow, the one thing that's clear is that we need nonprofit, noncommercial media - not just broadcasting - more than ever in the United States. We don't need a purely nonprofit, noncommercial system, but we need a significant nonprofit, noncommercial system. Advertising-run media, profit-driven media, simply is not acceptable as the entirety of our media system. There's no defense for it.
Robert Waterman McChesney