There are two words that you should use frequently in your youth: ยดsorryยด and ยดthank-youยด. Use the first one as often as possible, so that on your death bed all that you have to say to your friends is ยดthank-you!ยด.
Robin Jones GunnThere are 365 "fear nots" in the Bible. One for every day of the year. Today I will fear not.
Robin Jones GunnIt was the kind of crying that comes from the pit of the stomach and brings a headache with it. The kind that makes a person snort and gasp, and no matter how idiotic you feel or how hard you try, you can't stop.
Robin Jones GunnDid you read the part that says, 'Your hair is like a flock of goats'? How romantic is that? Or that other line, 'Your neck is like the tower of David.' Oh, now, that sounds real attractive! If some guy tried those lines on me, I'm sure I'd fall instantly in love with him.
Robin Jones Gunn