What was new was the fact that, despite my heart doing its fight-or-flight, help-we're-prey-and-HEY-STUPID-THAT'S-A-VAMPIRE number, I was glad to see him. Ridiculous but true. Scary but true.
Robin McKinleyOne doesn't generally look into mirrors when one is especially angry; one has better things to do, like pace the floor or throw things.
Robin McKinleyThe great thing about fantasy is that you can drag dreams and longings and hopes and fears and strivings out of your subconscious and call them 'magic' or 'dragons' or 'faeries' and get to know them better. But then I write the stuff. Obviously I'm prejudiced.
Robin McKinleyIt seems to me further, that it is very odd that fate should leave so careful a trail, and spend so little time preparing the one that must follow it.
Robin McKinley