Although every organized religion works overtime to contribute its own brand of misogyny to the myth of woman-hate, woman-fear, and woman-evil, the Roman Catholic church also carries the immense power of very directly affecting women's lives everywhere by its stand against birth control and abortion, and by its use of skillful and wealthy lobbies to prevent legislative change. It is an obscenity-an all-male hierarchy, celibate or not, that presumes to rule on the lives and bodies of millions of women.
Robin MorganYour life is the one place you have to spend yourself fully - wild - generous, drastic in an unrationed profligacy of self.
Robin MorganI do believe deeply that all human beings, male and female, are sexual beings, most likely bisexual beings channeled this way and that by cultures terrified of boundary crossings without passports stamped gay or straight.
Robin MorganWhat would we do without irony? Check out your own daily reliance on it, the foul-weather friend who's there for you when nothing else is.
Robin Morgan