Fleet Foxes will never, ever, under no circumstances, from now until the world chokes on gas fumes, sign to a major label. This includes all subsidiaries or permutations thereunder. Till we die.
Robin PecknoldI love Seattle, but I am definitely excited to be in a new place. Growing up there and then living in an apartment in the city for seven years, I just felt stagnant.
Robin PecknoldBeing in Portland is cool. I have some good friends here and the general feeling might be a little more welcoming.
Robin PecknoldI only write maybe one or two songs every couple of years that I think are good enough to play alone without other stuff happening.
Robin PecknoldSpeaking for myself I have influenced with lots of John Coltrane, Van Morrison, Joanna Newsom, Mississippi Records compilations, Simon & Garfunkel, Duncan Browne, Judee Sill, Sublime Frequencies releases, Ali Farka Tourรฉ, John Fahey, Flower Travellin' Band, Sagittarius, Toumani Diabatรฉ, Philip Glass, lots of different stuff.
Robin Pecknold