Thirty years ago, there was definitely a huge difference between men and women, and the man wanting to feel like the protector, and not scare the wife
Robin TunneyThe Craft was what it was. People who respond to that movie respond to it really strongly.
Robin TunneyI went to Catholic high school, so my being in this [the craft] is not going to make my grandmother very happy. It's funny, because I was the only one who is Catholic in it. You have this thing in mass where you have to genuflect before you go into the pew, so I said you have to do this [for a scene] and they said why, and I said because you have to; I don't know why, it's a rule. Or like instinct. It's funny they set in a Catholic school. I went to St. Ignatius College Prep - "Where Modesty is our Policy."
Robin Tunney