Time to go inward would you believe that I'm afraid to stare down the barrel of choices I have made.
On her new LP, Shatter, Jude Johnstone examines heartbreak and loss with such tender resignation that I wept in acknowledgement of its artful simplicity. A lesson in melodic grace delivered by as fine a singer-songwriter as any I know.
Pain comes like the weather, but joy is a choice.
A fist in the face is all you deserve from love you've misplaced.
You learn how to do good work by being honest with yourself.
When I was 12 years old, or however old I was when Bringing It All Back Home came out, I'd just skip back and forth endlessly between 'Subterranean Homesick Blues' and 'It's Alright, Ma' and 'Mr. Tambourine Man,' and now my Bob Dylan roots are showing big time.