Not only were science and religion compatible, they were inseparable--th e rise of science was achieved by deeply religious Christian scholars.
Rodney Stark[Some men are shortsighted, so] going to prison or going to hell just doesn't matter to these men.
Rodney StarkOne thing about religious truths is that we have to take them on faith, and faith needs reassurance. Whatโs more reassuring than noticing that some other people, whom you admire, are so certain that itโs all true that theyโre willing to go the ultimate mile?
Rodney Stark... All questions concerning the rise of Christianity are one: How was it done? How did a tiny and obscure messianic movement from the edge of the Roman Empire dislodge classical paganism and become the dominant faith of Western civilization? Although this is the only question, it requires many answers - no one thing led to the triumph of Christianity.
Rodney Stark