In a way, simplifying your life for vagabonding is easier than it sounds. This is because travel by its very nature demands simplicity. If you don't believe this, just go home and try stuffing everything you own into a backpack. This will never work, because no matter how meagerly you live at home, you can't match the scaled-down minimalism that travel requires.
Rolf PottsThe more we associate experience with cash value, the more we think that money is what we need to live. And the more we associate money with life, the more we convince ourselves that we're too poor to buy our freedom.
Rolf PottsTime is the truest form of wealth. And the beauty is, we are all born equally rich in time.
Rolf PottsZamunda represent everything that is kewl and real about vagabonding....being the person that discovered Zamunda (for independent travelers) during the research of my book, Vagabonding, I am happy to see a well written guide done by the boyz and girl at BootsnAll
Rolf Potts