As bank customers, we tend to believe that we can have both perfect security for our money, drawing on it whenever we want and never expecting it not to be there, while still earning a regular rate of return. In a true free market, however, there tends to be a tradeoff: you can enjoy a money warehouse or you can hope for a return on your investment. You can't usually have both. The Fed, however, by backing up this fractional-reserve system with a promise of endless bailouts and money creation, attempts to keep the illusion going.
Ron PaulI'm convinced that you never have to give up liberties to be safe. I think you're less safe when you give up your liberties.
Ron PaulThe Founders warned that a free society depends on a virtuous and moral people. The current crisis reflects that their concerns were justified.
Ron PaulThe federal war on drugs is a total failure... The federal government's going in there and overriding state laws... Why don't we handle the drugs like we handle alcohol? ... I fear the drug war because it undermines our civil liberties. It magnifies our problems on the borders. We've spent over the last 40 years a trillion dollars on this war and - believe me - the kids can still get the drugs. It just hasn't worked.
Ron PaulThe freer the market is and the more respect you have for private property, the better the environment is protected.
Ron Paul