When those who are governed do too little, those who govern can - and often will - do too much.
Ronald ReaganI recently learned something quite interesting about video games. Many young people have developed incredible hand, eye, and brain coordination in playing these games. The air force believes these kids will be our outstanding pilots should they fly our jets.
Ronald ReaganDouble - no, triple - our troubles and we'd still be better off than any other people on earth.
Ronald ReaganThey've done away with those committees. That shows the success of what the Soviets were able to do in this country.
Ronald ReaganYou hear a lot of jokes every once in a while about 'Silent Cal Coolidge.' The joke is on the people who make the jokes. Look at his record. He cut the taxes four times. We had probably the greatest growth and prosperity that we've ever known. I have taken heed of that because if he did that by doing nothing, maybe that's the answer.
Ronald Reagan