The United States and the freedom for which it stands, the freedom for which they died, must endure and prosper. Their lives remind us that freedom is not bought cheaply. It has a cost; it imposes a burden. And just as they whom we commemorate were willing to sacrifice, so too must we - in a less final, less heroic way - be willing to give of ourselves.
Ronald ReaganI am told that tens of thousands of prayer meetings are being held on this day; for that I am deeply grateful. We are a nation under God, and I believe God intended for us to be free. It would be fitting and good, I think, if on each inaugural day in future years it should be declared a day of prayer.
Ronald ReaganTo grasp and hold a vision, that is the very essence of successful leadership-not only on the movie set where I learned it, but everywhere.
Ronald ReaganWe know that this mad dog of the Middle East has a goal of a world revolution. (On Muammar Qaddafi of Libya)
Ronald ReaganMargaret Thatcher - this great lady has not only served her country well, she has served the free world well.
Ronald ReaganWe can look forward to the day when the free flow of trade, from the southern reaches of Tierra del Fuego to the northern outposts of the Arctic Circle, unites the people of the Western Hemisphere in a bond of mutually beneficial exchange, when all borders become what the U.S.-Canadian border so long has been: a meeting place, rather than a dividing line.
Ronald Reagan