Entrepreneurs need to be positive. Always. Entrepreneurs need to be brave, often. And lastly, entrepreneurs need to be obsessed.
Ronnie AptekerBusiness, like life, is funny. We all go through difficult times, and we all have to face curve balls and challenges, each and every week. And we need to laugh when things are funny.
Ronnie AptekerI battle to fall asleep at night. My mind races every other night. I have always been like this, for as long as I can reminder.
Ronnie AptekerI am a bit of a workaholic, and I am still not sure what a "weekend" is all about. I love what I do, and I do what I love.
Ronnie AptekerYou follow a passion, a dream, a belief, a vision, and before you know it, you are an entrepreneur. Once though, when you start to understand what this means, and what the possibilities are, the accidents then stop, and you become a forever obsessed entrepreneur that doesn't rest, and never stops trying to push the envelope.
Ronnie Apteker