She believed, of course ... because without something to believe in, life would be intolerable.
Rosamunde PilcherShe thought of the last couple of years: the boredom, the narrowness of existence, the dearth of anything to look forward to. Yet now, in a single instant, the curtains had been whipped aside, and the windows been thrown open onto a brillant view that had been there, waiting for her, all the time. A view, moreover, laden with the most marvellous possibilities and opportunities.
Rosamunde PilcherShe put out her hand and touched his forearm, as she would have touched some piece of porcelain or sculpture, just for the sheer animal pleasure of feeling its shape and curve beneath her fingertips.
Rosamunde PilcherWriting is work, but it's also a compulsion, and once you get your characters on paper, you can't abandon them. You have to respond to them.
Rosamunde PilcherShe remembered him smiling, and realized that time, that great old healer, had finally accomplished its work, and now, across the years, the face of love no longer stirred up agonies of grief and bitterness. Rather, one was left feeling simply grateful. For how unimaginably empty the past would be without him to remember.
Rosamunde Pilcher