The very utterness of the crash and ruin, the desperation of the case, might be its hope. On ruins one can begin to build. Anyhow, looking out from ruins one clearly sees; there are no obstructing walls.
Rose MacaulayHere is one of the points about this planet which should be remembered; into every penetrable corner of it, and into most of the impenetrable corners, the English will penetrate. They are like that; born invaders. They cannot stay at home.
Rose MacaulayNothing, perhaps, is strange, once you have accepted life itself, the great strange business which includes all lesser strangeness.
Rose MacaulayChurches are wonderful and beautiful, and they are vehicles for religion, but no Church can have more than a very little of the truth.
Rose MacaulayAs to the family, I have never understood how that fits in with the other ideals --or, indeed, why it should be an ideal at all. A group of closely related persons living under one roof; it is a convenience, often a necessity, sometimes a pleasure, sometimes the reverse; but who first exalted it as admirable, an almost religious ideal?
Rose Macaulay