You may dazzle the mind with a thousand brilliant discoveries of natural science; you may open new worlds of knowledge which were never dreamed of before; yet, if you have not developed in the soul of the pupil strong habits of virtue which will sustain her in the struggle of life, you have not educated her, but only put in her hand a powerful instrument of self-destruction.
Rose Philippine DuchesneNever forget that the road to Heaven is the Way of the Cross. Jesus has called us to follow Him, bearing the Cross as He did.
Rose Philippine DuchesneLet's try not to be exacting with other people, but rather to pass over in silence those thousand little annoyances that tend to irritate us. For we know that no one is perfect in this life, and we must put up with the defects of others as they put up with ours.
Rose Philippine DuchesneLet us bear our cross and leave it to God to determine the length and the weight.
Rose Philippine Duchesne