Surely these women won't lose any more of their beauty and charm by putting a ballot in a ballot box once a year than they are likely to lose standing in foundries or laundries all year round. There is no harder contest than the contest for bread, let me tell you that.
Rose SchneidermanThe life of men and women is so cheap and property is so sacred. There are so many of us for one job it matters little if 146 of us are burned to death.
Rose SchneidermanWe have tried you citizens; we are trying you now, and you have a couple of dollars for the sorrowing mothers, brothers and sisters by way of a charity gift.
Rose Schneiderman... it is the spirit of trade unionism that is most important, the service of fellowship, the feeling that the hurt of one is the concern of all and that the work of the individual benefits all.
Rose Schneiderman