I used to love to draw things that made me laugh or made friends laugh. When I was 13 or 14, I started thinking, This is what I like to do more than anything else.
Roz ChastTheres something about most phobias where theres a tiny, tiny corner where you think this really actually could happen.
Roz ChastMy parents were extremely reluctant. When my father was clearly dying, my mother refused to acknowledge it.
Roz ChastYou would open a drawer, which my father had jammed full of newspapers, and the bottom would drop out. There were buttons and screws and nails and bottle caps and jar lids – the drawer of jar lids! Why? Because they're made of metal and maybe there'll be another war and we'll need the metal. A friend of mine – I quote him in the book – says, 'You have found the source of the river eBay.'
Roz Chast