Think of a field of daisies: they bloom, they wither, and in the spring they grow again. Who wants to see the same stupid daisy year after year, especially with a bunch of crappy iron-lung-type equipment bolted to it?
Rudy RuckerIn any case, A New Kind of Science is a wonderful book, and I'm still absorbing its teachings.
Rudy RuckerSome ideas you have to chew on, then roll them around a lot, play with them before you can turn them into funky science fiction.
Rudy RuckerI am, as it were, an eye that the cosmos uses to look at itself. The Mind is not mine alone; the Mind is everywhere.
Rudy RuckerWhat is the shape of space? Is it flat, or is it bent? Is it nicely laid out, or is it warped and shrunken? Is it finite, or is it infinite? Which of the following does space resemble more: (a) a sheet of paper, (b) an endless desert, (c) a soap bubble, (d) a doughnut, (e) an Escher drawing, (f) an ice cream cone, (g) the branches of a tree, or (h) a human body?
Rudy Rucker