Never praise a sister to a sister, in the hope of your compliments reaching the proper ears, and so preparing the way for you later on. Sisters are women first, and sisters afterwards; and you will find that you do yourself harm.
Rudyard KiplingAlso, we will make promise. So long as The Blood endures, I shall know that your good is mine: ye shall feel that my strength is yours: In the day of Armageddon, at the last great fight of all, That Our House stand together and the pillars do not fall.
Rudyard KiplingCall a truce, then, to our labors - let us feast with friends and neighbors, and be merry as the custom of our caste; for if ''faint and forced the laughter,'' and if sadness follow after, we are richer by one mocking Christmas past.
Rudyard KiplingHe wrapped himself in quotations - as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors.
Rudyard KiplingOH, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at Godโs great Judgment Seat; But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth, When two strong men stand face to face, thoโ they come from the ends of the earth!
Rudyard Kipling