Just shut up!!!!! this is all your fault!!!!! I hate you!!!!!" -Kagome
Ye need her as she needs ye....and Inuyasha...DO NOT FORGET WHERE YE BURIED ME!
Inuyasha: "Stop blubbering already, I'm fine." Kagome:"I'm not blubbering." Inuyasha:"Okay, crying." Kagome:"I am not." Inuyasha:"Are too." Kagome:I am NOT!" Inuyasha:"You are so!" Kagome:"I am not, so just shuddup and sit!
Inuyasha: Just shut up and let me protect you!
Inuyasha stomps on Miroku's foot and runs away laughing
Koga:"You got a problem with that muttface?" Inuyasha: Did you just call me a mutt?" Koga:"No, you're right. That would be an insult to canines.