Bernie Sanders got $26 million raised, 77% of it from people under $200 or less. Bernie Sanders' money is equal to the combined donations of Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Lindsey Graham. It takes four Republicans, including the establishment's presumed front-runner, Jeb Bush.
Rush LimbaughDonald Trump has been mischaracterized, misdiagnosed, his character has been assaulted from the get-go by both Republicans and the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Rush LimbaughHere's the point - and Jonah Goldberg reminds us of this. He wrote a blog post that was titled "The MacGuffinization of American Politics." Do you know what a MacGuffin is? "'In a movie or book, 'The MacGuffin' is the thing the hero wants,' Ace writes." So in the Maltese Falcon, for example, the hero wants the Maltese Falcon, but there's always somebody trying to stop the hero from getting what he wants.
Rush LimbaughForget nerds on Facebook. You're never gonna persuade 'em. They're never gonna like Donald Trump. They're always gonna razz you about it. They're losers. Do not allow your happiness to be determined and defined by what these people on Facebook say.
Rush LimbaughJust wait and see this stuff play out as it does. But if, for example, why would he say some human activity linked to climate change when he has gone on record as saying that he doesn't believe it and we're gonna get people out of the EPA who do and we're gonna stop playing games with this. Why would he say it? [Donald Trump] wants to build a bridge with the opposition. This is why you don't see me at Trump Tower going up and down the elevators.
Rush Limbaugh