I can't tell you the number of times in high school I was allowed to be disappointed for not making the grade; it's a part of life. So the young students who are being taught by radical leftists in this country today are going to end up growing up in a world for which they are totally unprepared and unequipped.
Rush Limbaugh"Some human activity linked to climate change." That bothers me much more than whether or not we're gonna be prosecuting Hillary [Clinton].
Rush LimbaughLook at the way liberals name things. "Net neutrality." It's like Switzerland! They don't take sides, everybody's fair, everything's the same. It's not what it is. Net neutrality rules are anti-consumer and anti-competitive. By definition, liberals don't believe in competition, and you know that. Competition is the root of all evil, as far as leftists are concerned, 'cause there are winners and there are losers, and the losers are sad and disappointed, and that's unacceptable. So everything must be the same. Nobody can have more than anybody else.
Rush LimbaughI've made it a point here that I'm not going to knee-jerk react to anything, and especially before [Donald] Trump is inaugurated.
Rush LimbaughImmigration, as promoted by the Democrat Party, really is a voter registration drive, pure and simple. It is a desire by the Democrat Party to find another way to remain in perpetual power, by creating as many dependent voters as they can.
Rush LimbaughWe had had mass immigration from the late 1800s all the way through the early 1900s to the 1920s, and we had to pause the immigration in order to for the new arrivals to assimilate, to become Americans, to learn English, for one thing. The one thing - or not the one; there are many different things.
Rush Limbaugh