Donald Trump probably spends more time getting more things done than many people have any experience with, but yet he's the one undisciplined, he's the one that's haphazard, he's the one who's erratic, he's the one who's unpredictable.
Rush LimbaughAs far as I'm concerned, the people who aren't paying taxes don't get to run around claiming that they built everything, that the built the roads and that they built the bridges and so forth.
Rush LimbaughHillary Clinton trashes the banks every time she opens her mouth, and yet she made $21 million in two years making speeches to those very banks that she trashes every day.
Rush LimbaughThe left's propulsion is hate, and they have to have an outlet for the hate. They hate so much. They hate many elements of America. They hate people that don't think the way they do. It's not just that they disagree, they hate, and this energy requires action. People on the right, they don't hate anybody. We want everybody to get along, when you get right down to it. We're Rodney King types, actually.
Rush LimbaughHillary Clinton is worried about how Trump is exploiting a divided nation? She's exploiting a divided nation. She and her leftist buddies, they're the ones dividing and then exploiting. They're the ones that are imposing their will on us, and it isn't happening democratically. They're just bullying everybody into shutting up so that the left doesn't come after 'em.
Rush Limbaugh