The number of people, the labor force, has shrunk by nine million human beings since Obama took office.
Rush LimbaughHealth care is very complicated, and the government's had its tentacles woven deeply into this whole charade for over 50 years. But I don't understand why it's this hard that you can't do anything? It's the same thing as, "Well, Rush, you know, once an entitlement's been put into law, Rush, you can't take it away." Yes, you can! It's just you can't have elected people do it thinking they'll get reelected if they do it. But you can do it.
Rush LimbaughHillary Clinton is worried about how Trump is exploiting a divided nation? She's exploiting a divided nation. She and her leftist buddies, they're the ones dividing and then exploiting. They're the ones that are imposing their will on us, and it isn't happening democratically. They're just bullying everybody into shutting up so that the left doesn't come after 'em.
Rush LimbaughI can't tell you, I couldn't put a number on it, but it's big, the number of white voters in America that voted for Obama thinking it was the end of racial strife. Thinking by electing a black, that America would be stating, "We're not racist anymore." And I warned everybody, "It's not gonna happen, it's gonna get worse. It's going to get worse." And it was, it did become worst.
Rush LimbaughI just have a sense that Obama's not going to ultimately succeed in totally transforming America into something other than how it was founded.
Rush LimbaughFootball leads to a crime rate among people that play in the NFL that is less than the gen pop, the general population. The numbers have been run. It's just that people who play football are stars and, as such, what they do occurs with greater media scrutiny. So when one of them happens to engage in some sort of questionable behavior, it happens to (in a lot of it people's minds) speak for the whole sport and everybody that plays it.
Rush Limbaugh