If you draw the entire timeline of humanity from the time humans first trod until today, let's just assume that's 10 feet on a timeline. My time on that timeline is so small that you couldn't point it out. Let's say it's smaller than a grain of sand, in that whole 10-foot timeline of humanity. And when I lost my hearing, it happened to coincide with human technology advancing to the point that the cochlear implant existed. If I had lost my hearing five years earlier, I would have had to quit my job. I would have lost my career. I've always been kind of in awe of that reality.
Rush Limbaugh[Men's] natural tendencies, natural proclivities, are bad. You gotta rein that in. You gotta dial that back. You need to really raise your conscience level and be aware of how others see you and dial it back, because it's just too predatory, brutish, what have you.
Rush LimbaughI've always said that liberalism is one of the most gutless choices you can make. All you have to do to be acknowledged as a good liberal is to see suffering and tell people you see it, and that will convey you have a big heart and that you care and that you're troubled.
Rush LimbaughThe people who have destroyed the health care system are also in line to destroy other aspects of our economy, the job market, immigration and amnesty.
Rush LimbaughI'm rarely wrong but I could be. There might be a third party. I just think that the realization that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party posed the greatest threat to our future, children, grandchildren, all of that, is going to bring everybody back to reality.
Rush LimbaughIf a Republican came along and suggested free abortions for people on Medicaid, the first person to stand up would be Jesse Jackson and start shouting, "Racism!" And then Al Sharpton wouldn't be as far behind, and they would call it an attempt to eliminate people of color by the dastardly, rascally Republicans. But yet Hillary Clinton is proposing it and is being feted, praised to the heavens for such a compassionate plan. The Democrats are wiping out their own people. That's why they need open borders for replacements to be brought in ASAP.
Rush Limbaugh