Barack Obama and his followers and his adorers have decided he can bring us all together, that he can reach across aisles, he can reach across oceans. Who knows, he might be able to reach across galaxies, bring people together, to find common ground from the mountaintop, and so, my friends.
Rush LimbaughImmigration, as promoted by the Democrat Party, really is a voter registration drive, pure and simple. It is a desire by the Democrat Party to find another way to remain in perpetual power, by creating as many dependent voters as they can.
Rush LimbaughGoogle is reeling right now. This is the kind of thing, this is the kind of charge that just sends leftists up the tree, that they're unfair, that they're discriminating on the basis of gender. Ladies, tell Google to prove it to you that the guy who wrote the memo is wrong. What you say to Google is, "Show me the money." Go for the money. Tell 'em you want money. Tell 'em you want raises. Tell Google to prove it. Don't join the protest march and start throwing underwear and bras. Just demand the money. They're reeling right now. Hit 'em!
Rush LimbaughHere's the trick, just as Marxists use the disparity, economic disparity among people to lure them into believing and supporting socialism to get rid of the disparity, the unfairness, the inequality, if the left can convince voters that fighting global warming is tantamount to saving lives, then they position everybody as heroes. And if you listen carefully, you'll note every leftist cause involves saving lives and involves Republicans and conservatives killing people!
Rush LimbaughIf I were a Catholic, I'd be asking what's going on here. I really would. "The pope also broke with his predecessors by suggesting that Catholic lawmakers are free to vote for same-sex marriage and civil unions."
Rush Limbaugh