The reality here is, these are people that campaign for votes, and nobody wants to be associated with pictures that would certainly exist, even if they were fake, and they most likely would be. You know, can you imagine 150 pictures of that federal agent storming the home in Florida to kidnap Elian Gonzalez and send him back to Cuba?
Rush LimbaughIf Hillary Clinton wins, she becomes the face of the Democrat Party. She becomes the face of the power. She becomes the focus of attention for the media and everybody else - rendering Barack Obama not invisible, but certainly secondary status. I have my doubts about that. I think there is such devotion - media - for and to Obama that I think he's gonna remain prominent no matter who is elected president, and I think that he is going to seek to undermine anyone, whoever they are, if they try to undermine or unravel any of his so-called achievements.
Rush LimbaughHillary Clinton has said numerous times in this campaign, "If Congress doesn't act to end the plague of gun violence in America," that she will do so by executive action. Now, what is she going to do?
Rush LimbaughI don't think I've ever heard anybody in this Regime counsel restraint and advise, "No backlash against cops. We must maintain the order."
Rush LimbaughSome of the donors are - many of them are good people and they're donating because their ideas are those embodied by the candidate and that's really what they're doing, they're promoting the ideas. But many of them are desirous of things in addition to that. So when I see [Donald] Trump not respond 'cause he can't spend the money, I'm secretly hoping it isn't gonna hurt him.
Rush LimbaughThere's always a villain in every book, in every movie. In every story you have the hero and what he wants, and that is the MacGuffin. The whole thing is about who's gonna get the MacGuffin. This piece that this Ace of Spades blog wrote is that's how the media covers [Barack] Obama, and I have observed this in different ways over the years.
Rush Limbaugh