I am just stupefied here. The left has officially stamped it now: Oil is a villain. Now, please ask yourselves: When did this start?
Rush LimbaughObama is from this group that resents the private sector, resents the capitalistic means of production.
Rush LimbaughThe Saudis are so happy. People don't understand, the Saudi Arabian government - kingdom - hates Iran. They're scared to death of Iran. That's Shi'a versus Sunni Muslim, and the Iranians are Persians. They're not Arabs. So it's a double whammy. There is no love lost, and the Saudis have been petrified over Barack Obama's peace dance and nuclear dealings with the nation of Iran. They are ecstatic to have Donald Trump.
Rush LimbaughFolks, the most insidious part of this whole health care scheme is that all of these vast medical expenditures will become nothing more than government budget items. We individuals will no longer exist. The relationship between a government and citizen will change forever.
Rush Limbaugh