There are rights that Hillary Clinton doesn't like. American people have too many rights. There's too much freedom. Government doesn't have enough rights, in her mind. Government's too limited. The Constitution limits the government way, way, way too much. "And I feel strongly that" - fake smile - "the Supreme Court needs to stand on the side of the American people." Not on the side of the powerful corporations and the wealthy.
Rush LimbaughHillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have literally sold everything they have to sell. They have sold their honesty. They've sold their integrity. They've sold America down the river. They have sold everything in order to amass critical personal wealth.
Rush LimbaughDespite the fact that the country was electing Republicans, Obama wasn't being stopped, and it's because of the political system. The political system has evolved into a giant bureaucracy, the primary purpose of which is self-preservation, not fixing anything.
Rush LimbaughAntonin Scalia knows that freedom of speech has consequences. And the consequences of freedom of speech are speech you don't like, that you don't want to hear, that you don't want to listen to.
Rush LimbaughWho is going to fix the mess the Democrat Party's found itself in? Harry Reid gonna fix it? Howard Dean gonna work it out? Superdelegates, are they going to settle this? What, are we being had? Senator Barack Obama, we are told, is first an instrument of hope and then an instrument of change. Obama and his followers say that his biggest asset is bringing both sides together. His both sides are liberals. Both sides in the fight on the Democrat Party are liberals.
Rush Limbaugh