I've got the greatest line in the world about the pope coming out in favor of contraception, and I don't dare use it. I don't even dare hint getting close because the moment you understand it, I'm in trouble. So it's something I've gotta contain and avoid bursting and so forth, and now you're frustrated because I've teased you with it.
Rush LimbaughThese liberals are the craziest things. The Constitution, they see things in it that aren't there and ignore things which are. The 14th Amendment, nothing to do with gay marriage.
Rush LimbaughNow Pope Francis on his overnight flight back to Italy explains how contraception can be justified. This is the pope, the Vicar of Christ, the Catholic Church explaining how contraception could be justified. And then he rips into capitalism and the American immigration policies while at the Mexican border before getting on his plane to go back to Italy.
Rush Limbaugh[Ronald] Reagan had an agenda, three agenda items. George W. Bush had some. But [Donald] Trump, because people weren't listening, Trump has the longest agenda item list I have seen in modern American politics.
Rush LimbaughThe Democrats are having all kinds of problems uniting people here, and Barack Obama is the lead unifier, and it ain't going to happen.
Rush Limbaugh