If I had the good fortune of having the ability to influence people all over the world every time I spoke, I would do my best to make sure people understood why the United States of America is special, and then I would suggest that everybody who wants to come here, "I don't blame you, fine and dandy, there's a legal mechanism for this. We're not denying people the right to come to our country. There's a legal way to do it." That's another thing people forget.
Rush Limbaugh[Donald Trump] is saying that these stories of A-listers turning him down, "We're not asking 'em. I want the people at my inauguration." And I think that's probably true.
Rush Limbaugh[Donald] Trump is going to look into the notion of prosecuting Hillary [Clinton]. CNN has a graphic up , "Trump: Some human activity linked to climate change."
Rush LimbaughEven the Supreme Court, back when it used to makes sense, the Supreme Court has never ruled that a baby born to illegal aliens in the US is automatically a citizen.
Rush LimbaughThe pope can go ahead and claim that Trump is not a Christian, but you can't go there when we talking about the president of the United States.
Rush LimbaughI'm not opposed to reaching out Hispanics. I'm all for reaching out to everybody! As Americans. Not as members of groups, and not treating people as though they're legitimate members of some grievance group, but reaching out to them as human beings.
Rush LimbaughEverything about the left is perception, manipulation, and lies. Everything. Everything is 'Wag the Dog.' Everything is a structured deception.
Rush LimbaughCampaigns are conducted specifically because of the Electoral College, and people accept it and they understand it. Whether they know it or not, they accept it.
Rush LimbaughYou have to ask yourself a question: "What's the purpose of the private sector - to support government?" And if the answer is, "Yes, it is," then you're a Democrat.
Rush LimbaughThe Catholic Church spends a lot of time in very poor countries trying to recruit and spread the Gospel. Let me put it that way: The pope is simply saying...? Has he ever said that Mao Tse-tung, that Fidel Castro, that Raul Castro, any other communist is not a Christian? Why Donald Trump? 'Cause Trump wants to build a wall?
Rush LimbaughThe last thing they want is a revitalized economy now. I'm not saying the Democrats don't want a strong economy. Don't misunderstand. They just don't want it now.
Rush LimbaughOne of the reasons MSNBC is plummeting is that I, not long ago, refused to play any content from them. I figured, why? I mean, it's genuine depraved partisan politics insanity, genuine extremist radical ignoramuses on that network.
Rush LimbaughIf you accept that conservatism equals constitutionalism - and I do - well, then, where do we start? We do we start reinstituting all of these values, the morality in the culture, in our society; the respect for rule of law. And then you look at what we're up against, an entire Democrat Party.
Rush LimbaughThe immigration system in America today has been misrepresented, misunderstood to mean: "Anybody who wants to come can come. The world is filled with oppression and tyranny, and we are your destination. If you don't want to stay where you are, you're free to come here - and our job and our duty is to accept you no matter what. And the more downtrodden you are, the better. And the poorer you are, the better." It is a total bastardization.
Rush LimbaughGiven the National Organization for Women's membership and proclivities, it's no wonder that people now view the NOW gang as being obsessed with only two issues: abortion rights and lesbian rights.
Rush LimbaughYou take a 30-year-old. To him, history began the day he was born. He doesn't know how cold it was 70 years ago unless he's told. He doesn't care. He thinks what's happening now is either the best or the worst, whatever it is, ever. Everybody thinks that.
Rush LimbaughThe only basis for even talking about global warming is the predictions spewed out by computer models. The only quote/unquote "evidence" of global warming is what models are predicting the climate and the weather will be in the next 50 to 100 years. Now, what those models spit out is only as good as the data that's put in, and it's an absolute joke. In terms of science, it's a total joke. There is no warming, global or otherwise!
Rush LimbaughWhen Barack Obama was caught telling Dmitry Medvedev, "Tell Vlad to be patient. We'll get rid of our nukes after I win reelection and I'll have more flexibility." That was in 2012, right before the election.
Rush LimbaughEven in this case, whatever it is, it's about [Barack] Obama. "How did Obama do at the memorial? Did Obama come off well? Will Obama's poll numbers go up? Did he really reach people?" The hell that there are 53 people dead. Nobody cares about them, like nobody cared about the four dead in Benghazi. All the media cared about, how did Obama do?
Rush LimbaughThe left are gonna calling you names. You're gonna be racist, gonna be a pig, gonna be sexist, you're gonna hate women, you're gonna hate blacks, you're gonna be anti-transgender, whatever. They'll come at you in all directions to force you into acquiescence.
Rush LimbaughThe media cannot come separate [Donald] Trump from his supporters. Only Trump can do that. They're trying, they're gonna keep trying because they think they can. They did it with [George W.]Bush. They did it with [Mitt] Romney. They did it with [John] McCain. They did it with Bob Dole.
Rush LimbaughObama and the Democrats are not focused on the moderates. They're focused on getting their base out, and they're trying to expand that base by forming sympathetic, empathetic alliances with the downtrodden, and there are a lot of downtrodden because Obama has made them that way via his policies.
Rush LimbaughRemember, the left corrupts everything, folks. The Democrat Party, the left corrupts every institution. They politicize it, and by virtue of that alone they corrupt it. And so at the NSA, at the Defense Intelligence Agency, at the CIA, and at the FBI, there are Obamaites, there are people that think like he.
Rush LimbaughThese are people that are gonna vote for Hillary Clinton. They couldn't care less that she is sleazy. They couldn't care less that she cannot tell the truth. They couldn't care less that she exposes this nation to great risk.
Rush LimbaughThere isn't a specific Trump philosophy. That's why you're never gonna be able to pin Trump down on. He doesn't have a political philosophy like conservatism or liberalism or moderatism. He's just day-to-day whatever he wants and needs, he's got a behavior pattern and a process to get there, pure and simple.
Rush LimbaughMost of the new jobs that people are getting are part time because of Obamacare. Obamacare is falling out exactly as it was designed.
Rush LimbaughDonald Trump has a bunch of people who have been able to find the money they need for projects that they wanted to do and succeed at them and show a profit at the same time, and everybody involved wins.
Rush LimbaughI've never really been a conservative. I've never really been a Republican, never been any of that. I've only been in it for me. And proof of that is that I will not denounce Trump.
Rush LimbaughLiberals got gay marriage, and now they got this transgender thing going and at full speed. The things that are being aimed at undermining what have been traditionally defined as right and wrong and moral and immoral, that's been turned upside down, and it's not changing. Yet.
Rush LimbaughThe people who have destroyed the health care system are also in line to destroy other aspects of our economy, the job market, immigration and amnesty.
Rush LimbaughDonald Trump probably spends more time getting more things done than many people have any experience with, but yet he's the one undisciplined, he's the one that's haphazard, he's the one who's erratic, he's the one who's unpredictable.
Rush LimbaughWe're in a mess in America, and it's because of what you think. We're in a mess because of your party. We're in a mess, Mrs. Clinton, because you've been there. You were responsible for this economy. You're responsible our foreign policy. You're responsible for the massive illegal immigration.
Rush LimbaughHillary Clinton does not have a connection with her voters like Donald Trump has with his. She's got people who like her, and she's got support because she's a woman, and she has support because she's Mrs. Clinton. She has support because she's a Democrat.
Rush LimbaughWe wouldn't need any job training centers if our education was working in the first place.
Rush LimbaughThe modern era of feminism is how you track that at its beginning. It manifested itself in crazy ways. Parents would try raising their daughters in blue rooms with GI Joe and try raising their sons in pink rooms with Barbie to see what would happen, and they were shocked.
Rush LimbaughLiberals are liberals, and it's not helpful to them when they are so identified. They go out of their way to avoid being called liberal. They don't like it. They talk about Republican versus Democrat, voter identification, conservative versus liberal is where you need to look.
Rush LimbaughIt was some UN agency that issued a report saying we're beyond the point of return here. And there was a picture of a polar bear on a little, tiny block of ice, which is a fraudulent - there are more polar bears than ever. The arctic ice caps are not melting. There's so much garbage out there.
Rush LimbaughMarco Rubio was the darling of the Tea Party. Marco Rubio was elected as a Tea Party conservative Republican. Marco Rubio was sent to Washington clearly with the belief that he was part of a new conservative majority that was not tied to the establishment.
Rush LimbaughDonald Trump lives and operates in a political world, but he's not political. This is what people still don't get.
Rush LimbaughThat was [Joel] Benenson. "We're talking about this election, Kellyanne [Conway]." See, they're in permanent campaign mode, and they haven't come to grips with the fact that they lost. It was stolen from them, or the alt-right did something or the white supremacists came up and did something. They didn't lose.
Rush Limbaugh