The greatest poverty one can have is to be poor in one's heart and for falling in love, he is truly happy. He discovers purpose.
Russell Brand... And drinking neat liquor from the bottle, with all my long hair and my shirt undone and my beads, not so much the lizard king, more a gecko duchess, I fitted in nicely with their idea of what a creative person should be.
Russell BrandQuestion all information when you receive it. You might not even trust me Look at me, I've got a blanket over me head.
Russell BrandThen, of course, through the umbilical link we all tumble backwards down the spiralling DNA staircase to one common ancestor in Africa, and before that some bunch of curious monkeys. Down and down we go unto the sea, unto the dust, the single cellular dust. What impulse drove one cell to become two? What yearning pulled the fish on to the land? What caused apes to walk upright? Some invisible magnetic pull. Is there a difference between attraction and intention? Where is evolution taking us?
Russell Brand