Anthropocentrism is simply irrational. And yet this is the thrust of much of our traditional religious thought and teaching, particularly in the West.
Russell E. TrainI find it difficult to accept that it is the will of God that humanity should degrade, deface, desolate, and ultimately perhaps destroy His Creation on Earth. Yet this is the course on which we are embarked.
Russell E. TrainChemicals(:)...We not only don't know what's going on out there is dangerous ~ we don't even know what is going on out there. It's what we don't know that can really hurt us - kill us. ...It is time we started putting chemicals to the test - not people. It is time we gave people of this country some reason to believe that every time they take a breath, or eat, or drink, or touch, they are not taking their life into their hands. It is time that, down here on earth, we took a couple of small sensible steps on behalf of human health and life.
Russell E. Train