The second of our Lord's two great commandments carries a double charge: 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself' (Matt. 22:39). Therefore, love of companion is governed, in part, by esteem of self.
Russell M. NelsonMarriage is sanctified when it is cherished and honored in holiness. That union is not merely between husband and wife; it embraces a partnership with God.
Russell M. NelsonI honor women who are not mothers. They know that motherhood is but one of the realms of womankind. The virtue and intelligence of women are uniquely applicable to other realms as well, such as compassionate service and teaching.
Russell M. NelsonTo those who feel defeated and downtrodden, look to the early hours of the day for your rescue...Shadows of yesterday's grief melt in the rays of early morn's opportunity.
Russell M. NelsonAbortion sheds that innocent blood. Now, as a servant of the Lord, I dutifully warn those who advocate and practice abortion that they incur the wrath of Almighty God, who declared, "If men... hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her . . . he shall be surely punished."
Russell M. Nelson