No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes. He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking.
Ruth BenedictSociety in its full sense . . . is never an entity separable from the individuals who compose it.
Ruth BenedictThe mere fact of leaving ultimate social control in the hands of the people has not guaranteed that men will be able to conduct their lives as free men. Those societies where men know they are free are often democracies, but sometimes they have strong chiefs and kings.they have, however, one common characteristic: they are all alike in making certain freedoms common to all citizens, and inalienable.
Ruth BenedictWar is, we have been forced to admit, even in the face of its huge place in our civilization, an asocial trait.
Ruth BenedictMan is not committed in detail by his biological constitution to any particular variety of behavior.
Ruth BenedictSo much of the trouble is because I am a woman. To me it seems a very terrible thing to be a woman. There is one crown which perhaps is worth it all--a great love, a quiet home, and children. We all know that is all that is worthwhile, and yet we must peg away, showing off our wares on the market if we have money, or manufacturing careers for ourselves if we haven't.
Ruth Benedict