I have been working with the World Health Organization since 1989 in an effort to redefine approaches to contraceptive introduction. This has given me the opportunity to insist that strategies for research and policy development must simultaneously address people's needs, the capacity of programs to provide good quality of care, and the range of technological options available.
Ruth SimmonsOne of the things we have learned in the first year is that if you want to scale-up, the first thing you have to do is to expand your own team.
Ruth SimmonsGovernments have a legitimate concern with slowing population growth. But often this has been attempted with little concern for the individuals most affected.
Ruth SimmonsBureaucratic systems are not set up to be what we refer to as human service organizations. They were established to collect revenue and maintain law and order and they used a law and order approach in providing family planning services.
Ruth SimmonsThere are hundreds, even thousands of remarkable pilot or experimental projects in all fields - in agriculture, health, education. But where do these pilots take us? Do they lead to change on a broader scale? If not, how can we ensure that they have broader impact?
Ruth SimmonsInternational "experts" from technical assistance agencies or universities can make important contributions, but they certainly don't have all the answers. When ownership is local and national, and various stakeholders work together, program innovations have a greater chance to take root and survive.
Ruth Simmons