Hip-Hop itself, the culture, the way that it's going you could always see the effect that it has on basketball.
Ryan MontgomeryI'm not saying my teachers should have rapped my lessons or anything, but I feel if I had made more of a connection to them I would have gotten more out of school.
Ryan MontgomeryI don't like things to feel forced. I just let it flow, if it's not flowing I just wait a bit in the studio or I go home.
Ryan MontgomeryI feel think the next logical step is acting, which I think is cool but I never got the acting bug. I never looked at a movie and thought "I wanna act," but after seeing that play I thought, "I wanna write a movie, and I wanna write a play." I will write a movie and I will write a play.
Ryan MontgomeryThe Lord givith and the Lord takith away. I was given a lot of signs from the universe and looking at it in retrospect made me feel like God was telling me I needed to follow my dream. My granny getting in that car accident and being at that hospital when I was going there to see my girl... that whole part of the story where I go to the show and come back to the hospital... and it was almost like as soon as I found out that my granny didn't make it as soon as I got back, I also found out that my son had just come out.
Ryan Montgomery